Edge Protector

Edge Protector

Innovative system for improved edge protection in open pit mines.

Edge Protector saves space and increases efficiency

Edge Protector

Optimise haul roads

Designed to allow haul road widths to be optimised, providing an engineered level of safety significantly better than a traditional rock bund.

Consisting of a series of filled polyethylene shells which secure together in a row along the edge of an open pit road, the Edge Protector wall acts to support a bund of loose rock giving a vertical face, allowing open pit haul roads to be optimised.

Optimise haul roads

Allows a reduced stripping ratio while increasing safety

Enables reduced stripping ratio, reducing mining costs and increasing safety performance.

Edge Protector reduces mining costs, increases safety performance and improves NPV of operations. The straight edge can reduce stripping ratio, increasing ore accessibility and improving NPV of an operation.

Allows a reduced stripping ratio while increasing safety

Safety performance

Improved edge protection in open pit mines.

Edge Protector (EP) is a system for improved edge protection in open pit mines. It’s designed to allow open pit haul roads to be narrower while providing an engineered level of safety significantly better than a traditional rock bund.

Safety performance

Assist with autonomy

Achieve improvements in autonomous vehicle operation.

Through its vertical face design, Safescape's Edge Protector has a greater rate of detection by autonomous vehicles, increasing the effective haul road surface and reducing false object detection reports.

Assist with autonomy

Increased revenue

Increase in revenue from processing of additional ore that is accessible.

Vertical face

Creates a vertical face, reducing the likelihood of trucks going over an edge.

Easy transportation

Edge Protector is designed for easy transportation, handling and re-use.

Enhancing the safety of your site

Safescape’s Edge Protector (EP) is a system designed for improved edge protection in open pit mines. The structure allows haul roads to be narrower while maintaining or improving safety characteristics. 

Edge Protector consists of a series of filled polyethylene shells, which secure together in a row along the edge of a haul road. This creates a vertical face to support bunds of loose rock, and is designed to prevent a truck’s tyres from rolling up and over the bund. By creating a vertical wall, it allows for a reduction in the width of traditional bunds by replacing the protruding edge.

Through its vertical face, it has a greater rate of detection by autonomous vehicles.

Superior performance and NPV increases

Edge Protector consists of a series of filled durable polyethylene shells which secure together in a row along the edge of an open pit road. The created wall acts to support a bund of loose rock giving a vertical face. Edge Protector is designed to prevent truck’s tyres from rolling up the bund.

By creating a narrower haul road, increases in the NPV of the mining operations can be found through potential increases in revenue from processing of additional accessible ore and reduced stripping ratio.

Smart design for safer site operations

Edge Protector (EP) is a vertical flat faced cantilever system for improved edge protection in open pit mines, increasing safety outcomes by preventing truck tyres from rolling up the bund. EP is designed for easy transportation, handling and reuse. EP is made in highly visible yellow durable polyethylene, and is a safer and more effective alternative to traditional dirt bunds.

Size and specifications

Each Edge Protector (EP) is approx 2000mm high by 2000mm wide with a depth of 1500mm. Designed to be filled, EP can be transported and delivered empty and filled on-site.

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